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COVID Relief Fundraiser!

Hello Quarantunes Community,

we'd like to bring your attention to a fundraiser we currently have going on that aims to provide COVID relief to rural areas in India being hit by the current crisis.

Some of you may be aware that India has been experiencing a terrifying surge in COVID cases across the country, with death counts in the hundreds of thousands. One of the largest burdens falls on the people living in rural Indian communities. While the disease is slowly working its way out of urban centers, frontline workers in villages and communities on the outskirts of cities are still tasked with managing it as it works its way into their communities. This has become extremely difficult to do in recent months as often times these frontline workers lack proper protective gear and equipment to do their jobs.

This rise in COVID cases and a lack of proper infrastructure to combat them is why Quarantunes is partnering with Project Chhaav, an organization that seeks to help battle the pandemic in rural communities of India by providing kits to frontline workers that include oximeters, PPE, and basic safety kits. Learn more about Project Chhaav here.

[Picture from IG account @projectchhaav)

We are raising money that will all be given through Project Chhaav through a separate GoFundMe connected directly to Quarantunes, which can be found HERE. We've currently raised around $1200, which is an amazing milestone, and a number that we hope will only be the beginning of this fundraising project.

Thank you so much for your commitment to making the world a better place, Quarantunes community!

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